Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The American Dream 1950's

1. What were some causes for the baby boom? When the war was over the man came back home and they made baby's

2. What did americans have to do ib order to support all the new babies being born? More schools, more toys maker.

3. How did roles women change in the 1905's? 6 and 17 year old help playing jobs but haveing a jod does gertied then happyness.

4. What changes allowed the anerican explosis occur?  There was alot of gas was cheap

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The American Teenager

1. How did the lives of teenagers change after TGD and WWII? They start going back because the great Depression was over and they need all the Education they can get.

2. What is " white flight?" Was it good for society? When leave and the black go live  there and the whites went to the rich.

3. Why did many Mexicans immigrate to the U.S. before the 1950's ? To find work but they had to sign a contrack and when the contrack ends they had to go back.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Japanese internment and justice

1. What does word "internment" mean to you? To keep people people lock a group.

2. Why were Japanese-Americans interned in manzanar?  They though all Japanese even baby's

3. Why were Japanese internment policies wrong? Because they took all there stuff and put there baby's in tubs


Monday, May 6, 2013

The End Of WWII

1. Was Gen. Mac Arthur a successful general? Explain with evidence. Because he won the islands of Battle of Japan Leyte and Iwo Jima.

2. Explain how successful the G.I. Bill was to returning soldiers. It help them get there jobs because they got a free collage education because of the G.I. Bill of rights.

3. Why were Mexicans in L.A unfairly treated in 1943? Because they reported that they had been attacked by zoot-suit-wearing Mexican Americans and they went to grad Mexicans that were wearing zoot-suit-wearing they had beat them up.

Monday, April 29, 2013

WWII Across The Atlantic Ocean

1. Who the supreme commander in europe and was he successful?

 General bwight d was the supreme commander and newas very successtul he made enemies give up

2. What was the  signifiance of D-Day?

D-day was inorder to remove hiter you had to fight in europe ( Invasion in europe)

3. Was gen.patton on effective leader?

Beacause patton kicked nazis out of Paris

4. Why was the battle of the budge significant?

Beacause it was witers last cance at victory

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


1.List all the countries the nazi's invaded ?

2. What  did winston churchill  say about peace agreed upon in the r r munich agreement?
   beheve that munich agreement churchills they think the mean greatment was adorstor was beacause it lease

3.what is blitzkreig and what's the purpose?
 blitzkevig is a lighthing war, the purpose to take enemy by surpries and them qiuckly crush all oppostion enemy with with over helming force.

Monday, April 15, 2013

World War II

1. Allies: U.S, Eanal, Soviet Union 
2. Axis: Germany, Japan 
3. Defense Spending: Amount of money govt  spends on the military.
4. Unemployment Rate:% of people are unemployed
5. Federal Outlay: Amount  of  $ the federal govt uses to buy stuff 
6. Rattlesnakes Of The Atlantic: Germany U-Boats
7. Germany U-Boats: Germany submarines
8. Isolationists:
9. Appease:
10. Tend-Lease Act :
11. Office Of  Price Administration:
12. Inflation:
13. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt:
14. Pres Harry S. Truman:
15. Philip Randolph:
16. Gen. Patton:
17. Gen. MacArturo:
18. Gen welsher supreme