Wednesday, March 20, 2013

TGD-FDR and the new deal

Who was FDR? Well his name was Franklin D. Roosevelt he was the president 39 he ran for 12 years he was the first president with audibility he oh most died but he fighted the diereses and he's a friendly personality and his cousin was Theodore Roosevelt. Who was FDR carefully picked and why were they important to him he specially pick professors, lawyers, and journalists and they are called the brain trust  there job was to as a new deal and policies, and three General Goals: Relief The Needy, Economic Recovery, And Financial Reform.  And they need Food, Money, And Medicare  and they fixes the economic they need jobs to mean tank the banks. What was the new deal? well the new deal was he was very unique. He was know as the American President who had a war to contend with or  a huge domesic he had both  The Depression and The World  War 1. The three goals are General Goals: Relief The Needy, Economic Recovery, And Financial Reform. What was the first action did FDR took as president. He close all the banks and sent someone to go look at the banks and see what ones were healthy to be open and what ones weren't  healthy because the ones that werent healthy they would close that bank and you were they let you open up your bank. 


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Great Depression - Hoover's Response to the Crisis

Hebert Hoover is a Republican president at the beginning of the great depression was infect what are example of how Americans expressed their anger and frustration sell press hoover. they sold all their food and block all there freeways and plus they bruned there crops and pour there milk out . what were Hoover principles that he chose to hold on the refused to give money to people who really need it. who made up the bonus army and how did what happened to them and affect pres. Hoover. and WW1 veterans and families because they march to Washington D.C. to support a bill that they can get money to tear gas people.